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Decision Nears on Navy Sonar that may Harm Whales, Dolphins
(The Associated Press)
Adorable Portland BecKons. The Miami Herald.
Storytelling in all forms is close to my heart. Before I turned my attention to fiction, I was a journalist, and I continue to write freelance magazine articles and travel stories today.
Here's a sampling of some of my favorite journalism features and a little more about my journalism and writing publications.
Digging around to Serve Up Clams
(The Boston Globe)
Rebecca Mahoney
Tradition Reaches End of Trail: Central Florida's
Last Cattle Drive (Orlando Sentinel)
Manuscript Editor & Writing Coach
Shortwave Hero Keeps Ears Open for a Chance to Help (Los Angeles Times)
Twins' Illness Puts Angels at their Doorstep (Los Angeles Times)
Life With 200 Cats: Woman battles fights county to change zoning regulations (Chicago Tribune)
Souhegan Valley: A Bedroom Community Awakens (Business NH Magazine)
Unique Reunion Helps One-Time Residents of Orphanage Heal (Los Angeles Times)
Victims of Christmas Twister Feel Abandoned (The Orlando Sentinel)
US Denies Disaster Aid for Red Tide in Massachusetts (The Boston Globe)
Abandoned Baby Law Saves Some, but Others Still Die (The Ledger, Lakeland, FL)
Is Londonderry the Next Pease?
(Business NH Magazine)